Well what a fab day we had here - it was really beautiful and sunny, in fact t was so warm I had to go and change into my shorts. I dug over one of the vegetable patches ready to plant my potatoes, although I am not sure if the ground is warm enough for them - maybe next week it will be OK. I sowed some seeds - lettuce, radish and spring onion, although I have to say I have limited success with the spring onions here - I wonder if the pigeons have them.
This little chap came down and helped too, and posed for the camera....
Yesterday we popped down to the scout hut and helped clear out a lot of the junk to make way for some new equipment for camping. I think we could have thrown a lot of the old tents away....but they are still there. Apparently we were the only cub group that looked like something out of carry on camping a couple of year back....tee hee Big thanks to Waitrose that had a fund raising event and donated the money to the Scout group.
I have taken a photo this time rather than scan - and I am not surewhich I prefer maybe I should take it with a flash rather than rely on natural light, I thought that it may give them a feeling of depth which the scanner fails to do.
Greets, Mark
My Blog.. I guess
I'm not a mad keen bird fan but the little robins are so cute x
The weather is great - long may it last!! though I'm a bit chilly in summer clothes as yet.