
Katie of Apple & Spice tagged me....here are the
Select five people to tag - mine are:
1) Domestic Goddess in Training - Jules
2) Farmers Girl - Janice
3) You say Tomato I say tomato - Pixie
4) A Year at Oak Cottage
5) All Things Lovely - Anna Garden Girl
Next, send them an e-mail or let them know by commenting on their blog that they have been tagged. They are then encouraged to select 5 different bloggers and to tag them. Here are the things to blog about and my answers...But somehow I can't manage to complete all of the answers:

What were you doing 10 years ago?
My son was nearly 3 so I was just changing jobs to my current job - how embarrassing to know I have been in the same job for that long...and was just getting into card making in a big way!

What were you doing 1 year ago?
..oh dear not much different...to now crafting and gardening, just starting to get into cooking as I had my kitchen donw in the summer

Five snacks you enjoy:
...I am not a big snacker so have included some light lunches
1) Banana - my afternoon snack whilst I am at work - it helps me through the end of the day
2) Chocolate – Well it had to be - but I eat it in moderation.
3) Crumpets - with scrambled egg...the egg has to be still alittle 'sloppy I don;t like it when it is overcooked and dry...with a sprinkle of grated cheese
4) Cake - I have to restrict myself on this one - but I do love cake...anything really...probably best to say the ones I dislike - nuts and coffee
5) Soup - I am getting into homemade soup - I hope that this counts as a snack.

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1) Get a nice house with a fab kitchen
2) Own a tea shop that sells homemade cakes and crafts
3) Go on some cookery courses
4) Get a new car
5) Go on some 'dream' holidays

Five bad habits:
1) Loving Chocolate!
2) Way too untidy
3) Hate housework
4) ...I must have more but can't think of them

Five things you like doing:
1) Baking - what a surprise!
2) Making cards
3) Shopping
4) Meeting friends for lunch
5) playing on the internet

Five things you would never wear again:
1) ...well I see that smocks are back in and I wore them in the 70's they were bad then and I am pretty sure they are bad now....
2) The brown boots in my wardrobe that I love - but hurt everytime I wear them
3) Platform shoes - (again they seem to be back in the shops) I am far too old now!
4) Hotpants with a bib
5) ...notsure I can think of anything else!

Five favourite toys:
1) My computer
2) My die cutters and rubber stamps (I know that is lots but couldn't name everything!).
3) My MP3 - every CD I own is now on it WOW - and it fits in the palm of my hand
4) My Kitchen - does this count?
5) My Camera - after all I could show anything on the web if I didn't have it.


Garden Girl said…
Hi Carolyn-thanks for tagging me-bizarrely my answers will be very similiar to yours, but I will give it a go!!thanks again,anna xxx
Pixie said…
Hi Carolyn, Thanks for the tag; it's a double as I too have been tagged from Katie! Great to get to know you better.
Mocha Sticks said…
I love my MP3 player too - I have put all my CDs on and it's only half full!
Katie said…
Thanks for doing the Tag. Some of our answers are quite similar. I think your card making skils are fantastic
Pixie said…

all done carolyn, thanks again