Orange Sultana Loaf

I made this for the Ampthill Country market stall last week, the recipe was for one 2lb loaf - but I split it into two 1lb loaf tins and cooked them for 50 mins. Trouble is I never actually tasted them - but they looked and smelt lovely - they both sold!

The recipe is from the Finer Cooking with McDougalls - printed in 1972! so only ozs available.

12 oz Self Raising Flour
pinch of salt
2 oz Caster Sugar
4 oz Sultanas
4 tablespoons of orange marmalade (this is about 4 oz)
2oz butter or margerine
2 eggs
1/4 pint of milk

Grease/line etc your tins and set the oven at 325F gas mark 3 (I made this 160c)
Mix the dry ingredients together. Put the marmalade and fat into a bowl or saucepan and melt together. (I did mine in the microwave) Add this to the dry ingredients, and then add the eggs and milk.

Cook for 1 hour 10 mins.

I had some chocolate icing as I made a chocolate cake - so I swilred this on top along with some zest from an orange. The picture is not the best - I didn't realise until after it had gone!


Anonymous said…
Looks very Yummie!
Smiles from BC, Canada.
Janice said…
I thought I might make this, but I have run out of eggs - how did that happen!

Rosie said…
Wonderful looking loaf cake and a great combo of flavours there!

Rosie x
Katie said…
Hi Carolyn

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