I know I was supposed to blog on Tuesday, but I changed my working week around so that I worked Monday to Wednesday, and now I have the rest of the week off!

We seem to be having a huge mushroom problem in the garden, and one appeared on the edge of our drive - absolutely amazing - it pushed the edge of the drive up, how strong are they? I dug it up and weighed it and was amazed to see it was well over 2lbs, it seemed such a waste to throw it away - wonder if we could have eat it! We also a fairy ring on the lawn....
It was my turn on the Country Market stall today, and it actually didn't rain on me - just very windy. Managed to sell 9 cards today, which I have to say is unusual, our market in Ampthill is very small so sales can vary widely! Also sold 3 in the office yesterday, so successful week. I need to get making more now.
Next big project that I am already worrying over is that I am part of a group to do a circle journal...must think of a theme before the end of the day.
Tomorrow I have coffee with Bex planned - not sure we will do anything crafty - but hey you never know.
We seem to be having a huge mushroom problem in the garden, and one appeared on the edge of our drive - absolutely amazing - it pushed the edge of the drive up, how strong are they? I dug it up and weighed it and was amazed to see it was well over 2lbs, it seemed such a waste to throw it away - wonder if we could have eat it! We also a fairy ring on the lawn....
It was my turn on the Country Market stall today, and it actually didn't rain on me - just very windy. Managed to sell 9 cards today, which I have to say is unusual, our market in Ampthill is very small so sales can vary widely! Also sold 3 in the office yesterday, so successful week. I need to get making more now.
Next big project that I am already worrying over is that I am part of a group to do a circle journal...must think of a theme before the end of the day.
Tomorrow I have coffee with Bex planned - not sure we will do anything crafty - but hey you never know.
How surprised would people be if we actually made something - well i would be gobsmacked for a start!!!
Looking forward to it
Love Bex