Well I guess it is that time of the year where you have to get out into the garden before the weeds finally take over....I have tackled to top flower bed, and just can't believe the number of weeds that arrive. It is now looking loads better, although still more flowers beds to tackle! Manage to string up the loganberry, although it has decided to grow in a different direction this year, I hope that I will be in for a nice crop this year. Planted my runner bean seeds today too, so all in all a gardening type weekend.
The excitement of the weekend was a trip to the dump....well it must be exciting judging by the number of other people were there!
I did also do some work for the craft shop, updating the site and sending out some orders. Although I spent most of this morning looking for something I have added to the shop...still have not found it - feel quite silly now someone has ordered it I guess it will turn up just as I send out an email apologising
I took Owen on a sponsored swim with the scouts and he swam 42 lengths...much to my surprise as I expected him to only do around 10, luckily I could add a max to his sponsor form while I was at the pool
A big week for Owen this week he is sitting his SAT's, Waitrose are giving free bananas everyday...
For every person that wishes to teach there are approximately thirty that don't want to learn - much...
.....W C Sellar
It is Tchaikovsky and Eva Peron's birthday today if you feel you need to celebrate